Collaboration Grants

Collaboration Grants – which meet the needs of Philosophy and the strategic plan of the Cooperative and are a ‘point of honour’ for Social Welfare and Student Support – began as a pilot project between July 2nd and 31st, 2018 in collaboration with the Services of the Egas Moniz Library sponsored by the Management of Egas Moniz entirely funded by the Cooperative and their implementation was a success.

Aware that they provide important support to Egas Moniz students while also contributing to the development of extracurricular skills, not only were Library Collaboration Grants continued but a new Collaboration Grant was also implemented for Merchandising.

And a new Gym Support Grant is being set up.


1. Library Collaboration Grants

The pilot project took place between July 2nd and 31st, 2018 where four students took part from four different degrees (Nutritional Sciences, Physical Therapy, Forensic and Criminal Sciences, and Integrated Master's in Dentistry) and different years.

The first edition took place between September 17th, 2018 and March 31st, 2019 and counted on the participation of nine students on a rotating basis since it comprehended a long period of time.

The second edition began on April 1st, 2019 and ended on July 31st, 2019 and counted on the participation of six scholars. For logistical purposes, this edition was extended to the period of time between 2019.9.16 and 2019.10.18 with the same participants.

The third edition took place between 2019.10.21 and 2020.2.14, where seven Egas Moniz students from different degrees and years benefited from the library grant.

The fourth edition took place between 2020.2.17 and 2020.7.31. This edition was extended until October 31st, 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Seven scholars from different years and different degrees took part in the fifth edition. The fifth edition was extended until July 2021 due to the pandemic circumstances.

The sixth edition is now taking place until February 2022.


2. Merchandising Grant

 GASEM is not only expecting the financial return of this initiative to go to supporting Social Welfare but also the creation of two more collaboration grants associated with this activity.

For this purpose, two students benefiting from two collaboration grants were included in the pilot project (which took place between December 2019 and July 2020). These scholars initiated their collaboration by obtaining training in the warehouse, after which they obtained training in accounting for invoicing, information, and registering sale procedures.

The first edition (with six scholars on a rotating basis). This first edition was scheduled for the period of time between October 2020 and February 2021. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic circumstances, it was extended until July 2021.

The second edition is taking place until February 2022.


3. Gym Support Grant

In the 2021/2022 school year, with a new gym opening up on campus, Egas Moniz created another grant giving Physical Therapy students the opportunity to take part in the Gym Support on a daily basis.

Together with the opportunity to benefit from this grant, students also have the opportunity to obtain skills within the scope of their education.

The first edition is taking place until January 31st, 2022.


4. Fifth International Congress of CiiEM Support Grant

(This grant is sporadic)

GASEM (Gabinete de Ação Social Egas Moniz – Egas Moniz Social Welfare Office) has always tried to give every student in the different degrees of ESSEM and IUEM the opportunity to take part as well as students in different years. A value per hour shall be awarded to the work of students on a collaboration grant, which will be subtracted from their monthly tuition as per regulation.

Applications are selected, analysed, and validated through the Social Welfare and Student Support Office.

Those interested in applying must fill out the form and submit their application to the e-mail address:

For more information: Regulation - Collaboration Grants