Veterinary Medicine


Duration: 3 + 2,5 years (6 + 5 semesters)
Total ECTS: 330
Registered DGES and
with Accreditation A3ES 




 Sem Título 1

Head: Manuel Pequito






The study plan for the Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine at Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz (IMVM-IUEM) is based on an innovative logic, based on teaching that aims integration, specialization, professionalization, internationalization and globalization and values global health, underlying the importance of the relationshipS between animal health, human health and environmental health (One Health).

The curricular units are distributed in modules throughout the semester, insuring the acquisition of contents in a sequential and integrated logic. This study plan and innovative teaching methodologies are based on other European and World reference institutions and contrasts with the one currently used in other national and international veterinary schools, contributing to enhance the multiple professional opportunities and employability in Veterinary Medicine. 

The IMVM-IUEM is based on a rigorous teaching, with a very strong practical component and tutorial guidance, based on Problem Based Learning, in which students take a central role in their learning process. This ensures a very solid clinical and practical experience and provides our graduates a real and global view of the realities of Veterinary Medicine, enabling them with real practical skills, since the first day.

The IMVM-IUEM will be taught in its own facilities (Campus Egas Moniz), which include, among others, clinical structures, wich includes a Veterinary School Hospital for Companion Animals, Exotic Animals, Horses and Livestock, teaching and research laboratories. All infrastructures were designed specifically for the teaching of Veterinary Sciences. 

The IMVM-IUEM has a vast network of partnerships with external public and private institutions, that are part of the pedagogical and scientific cooperation network, in the various areas of knowledge of Veterinary Sciences. These partnerships aim to achieve the level of excellence, integration and specialization that characterizes this Integrated Master in Veterinary Medicine by allowing students to access and contact with external facilities of excellence in the different areas of Veterinary Sciences.


Learning objetives

The general objective of IMVM-IUEM is to provide and excellent, integrated and professionalizing higher education in Veterinary Medicine, always articulated with the One Health perspective, ensuring the appropriate training in the major areas of veterinary activities, including: Clinic, Public Health, Animal Production and Technological Processing, Sanitary Inspection and Health Support at the interface of Animal Production, Quality, Environmental and Sanitary Control, Teaching and Research in Veterinary Sciences.

The curricular program of this challenging and innovative academic training has more specific objectives:

  • Promote animal healthcare;
  • Promote animal welfare;
  • Contribute to the management, improvement and development of animal production systems;
  • Prevent, diagnose and control zoonoses and enzootic diseases;
  • Ensure the quality of food products of animal origin;
  • Contribute to environmental protection;
  • Promote and develop scientific research activities.


What makes us unique

The study plan includes unique characteristics in teaching Veterinary Medicine in Portugal:

  • The IMVM-IUEM is taught in English, allowing the globalization of teaching and the internationalization of students. Here, students are really evolved in a multicultural and international context. There is no equivalent alternative in Portugal.
  • With a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary integrated curricular model this study plan is innovative and based on a Veterinary Medicine teaching methodologies differentiated from the other offers in Portugal, ensuring a more logical and sequential understanding of the subjects taught. Here, subjects are taught in an integrated way – each curricular unit integrates a multidisciplinary approach for every body system, so that the student has an integrated understanding of each theme. This will be the only Veterinary Medicine course taught in this way in Portugal and one of the few in Europe. The study plan followed in the IMVM-IUEM is identical to reference entities in the teaching of Veterinary Medicine at European and World level.
  • It is an eminently practical higher degree, in which the student takes a central role in its training process, under a close tutorial orientation based on Problem Based Learning, ensuring an efficient acquisition of skills.
  • The student has the possibility of specializing his training throughout the course. In addition to the final internship, optional curricular untis and the professional orientation internships throughout the course, during the 5th year, students will be able to choose and guide their own curricular path in the four major areas of Veterinary Medicine: Companion Animals Clinic, Equine Clinic, Livestock Health Management and Veterinary Public Health Responsibilities. Thus, students will have the possibility to make choices in the area(s) of their greatest interest throughout their learning path, in a course that, despite offering the possibility of specializing learning, guarantees general basic training in all aspects of the Veterinary profession. Also in this aspect, the IMVM-IUEM will be the only Veterinary Medicine course in Portugal and one of the few in Europe that offers this possibility.
  • The last 3 semesters of the IMVM-IUEM are really professionalizing, as students spend a large part of their contact hours in a real working context, with tutored guidance, taking extramural classes.
  • IMVM-IUEM is  deeply anchored in the practice of One Health, adapts the students trained to the needs of the real and challenging global market, giving them a clear competitive advantage compared with the other offers in Portugal.

It should also be noted that Animal Welfare is deeply valued throughout the entire training, using strategies to optimize contact with patients, with closed tutoring and previously prepared by using simulators and models, thus eliminating unnecessary exposure to animals exclusively for teaching purposes, both in the pre-clinical as in the clinical phase of training. However, contact with real patients, of all species, in a clinical environment is valued and is part of the eminently practical teaching of this course.


Professional and other oportunities 

When you finish the IMVM at IUEM you will be able to work in the following areas:

  • Companion animals clinic;
  • Equine clinic;
  • Farm animals clinic;
  • Exotic and wild species clinic;
  • Animal production and breeding;
  • Animal nutrition;
  • Biotechnology and diagnosis;
  • Sanitary Inspection;
  • Food quality of products of animal origin;
  • Hygiene, Technology and Agro-Food Safety;
  • Veterinary Public Health;
  • Epidemio-surveillance;
  • Education and Training;
  • Scientific research.


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