Application and Admission
In this section you will be able to obtain information on the application and admission to the Degrees (1st Cycle) and Integrated Masters.

Who can apply?
Candidates for the Institutional Call:
- Holders of a foreign high school course and who wish to apply under the Article 20-A of Decree-Law no. 296-A / 98, of September 25. These candidates will have to apply for equivalence to continue their studies, together with a High School, and after the assigned equivalence should go to the premises of the DGES to request the substitution of entrance tests, through article 20-A.
Candidates for Special Call:
- Over 23 years old.
- Students with university attendance (change of course, transfer or re-entry).
- Holders of Higher Education, Medium and Diplomas of Technological Specialization.
Candidates in Special Regime:
- Portuguese Diplomatic Mission Abroad.
- Portuguese foreign scholarship holders or government officials abroad.
- Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces.
- PALOP Fellows.
- Foreign diplomatic mission accredited in Portugal.
- High-performance athletes.
- Of East Timor.
When are applications submitted?
Institutional Contests:
- 1st Phase - will run from 1st July to 22th July 2022.
- 2nd Phase - on dates to be announced
- 3rd Phase - on dates to be announced
Special Competitions - consult specific notices of the special contests of IUEM and ESSEM.
Special Regimes - on a date to be defined by the DGES.
Where and when can I apply?
Directly in academic services in:
University Campus
Quinta da Granja - Monte de Caparica
2829-511 Caparica
Phone: (+351) 212946700
Fax: (+351) 212946733
How and when do I know if I have got admitted?
- 1st Phase - the results of this phase of access will be announced on 27th July 2022, online and posted on the premises of Egas Moniz.
- 2nd Phase - on dates to be announced.
- 3rd Phase - on dates to be announced.
How and where can I enroll?
- In the first phase of access the enrollments will run from 27th July to 29th July 2022, in academic services. After this date, registrations will not be accepted.
- In the second phase of access enrollment will run on dates to be announced.
- In the third phase of access the enrollments will run on dates to be announced.
Enrollments are made at the premises of Egas Moniz.
University Campus
Quinta da Granja - Monte de Caparica
2829-511 Caparica
Phone: 212946700
Fax: 212946733
More information:
Consult the regulations and specific documents of each of the teaching institutions:
- University Institute Egas Moniz - IUEM Access
- Egas Moniz School of Health - ESSEM Access