Diversity Charter
In 2018, Egas Moniz signed the Portuguese Diversity Charter. The Diversity Charter is an initiative from the European Commission and a voluntary instrument created with the intent of encouraging employers to implement and develop internal policies and practices to promote diversity. In March 2016, a Portuguese Diversity Charter was written, which has been signed by over 200 institutions including many higher education institutions.
As mentioned on the Charter's website, enhancing diversity is mobilising every person's differences and similarities to the benefit of the organisation so that they will contribute equally to the development of an institution's business. In addition to being an ethical imperative, it contributes to its growth, sustainability, and financial competitiveness.
The principle of the Charter is Diversity, which is understood as the recognition, respect, and enhancement of people's differences, particularly including differences related to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, place of origin, culture, language, nationality, place of birth, ancestry, age, political orientation, ideology, social orientation, marital status, family situation, financial situation, health, disabilities, personal style, or education.
Creating an inclusive environment is not just about adopting partial measures to include a certain group but rather creating an environment that will benefit each and every one of us with all its characteristics. It is about formatting a way of thinking or acting that will affect the entire organisation and where everyone plays a part.
We intend for diversity policies to recognise, understand, and enhance all that unites us and sets us apart as a potential source of innovation, solving problems, focusing on clients, creativity, and involving employees.
In regard to the current practices at Egas Moniz, we highlight the following: welcoming and supporting refugees within the scope of education and research; free dental care for refugees; exemption from work, classes, and exams for religious purposes; and hiring policies that include people with disabilities.
Source of information / more information on the Portuguese Diversity Charter: