
Throughout the school year, the Library will organise training sessions and workshops for users to help them develop information literacy skills and other soft skills that will contribute to their academic success, under the context of activities to support teaching and learning.

Among the workshops frequently organised by the Library, we note the following:

1. B-on Workshop

The B-on – Online Knowledge Library is a research platform that offers access to thousands of scientific magazines, e-books, congress minutes, doctoral theses, master’s theses and other resources.

Goals of the workshop:

  • To know the main features of B-on to achieve effective searches
  • To learn how to save the results of the searches in your personal area or export them to library management software, such as Mendeley or Endnote.

2. Mendeley Workshop

Mendeley is a free library management software and at the same time an academic social network that can help you organise your articles, produce bibliographies for your theses, collaborate with other people online and search anywhere. It is a highly useful tool for both teachers and students (particularly final-year and 2nd cycle).

Goals of the workshop:

Obtain the basic skills to use Mendeley, namely:

  • Know the Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Web structure
  • Learn about the various ways of inserting documents and references and bibliography
  • Make the most of the collaboration features
  • Learn how to use the plug-in for quotes in text processing
  • Learn how to search on the Mendeley catalogue (via your desktop or online).

3. Endnote Basic workshop (Web version)

Endnote Basic is a library management software integrated in the Web of Science platform. It is free of charge for B-on subscribers.

Goals of the workshop:

Obtain the basic skills to use Endnote, namely:

  • Registering on Web of Science and creating an EndNote Web account
  • Search features on the Web of Science platform
  • Exporting and importing references and bibliography from B-on, Google Scholar, Web of Science and other sources
  • Organising your bibliography (creating and managing files)
  • Quoting and managing bibliography lists in word processing (Microsoft Word).


Enrolments: the workshops are free of charge and you can enrol at the Library Service Desk or by email to, but the number of participants is limited. The workshops run that are published in advance – please view our news section.