The Library offers students, teachers and non-teaching staff a specialised archive that is constantly being updated. It is located on the upper floor of the University Campus Support Services Building and offers a diversified series of other services.
Users must request their library card from the Service Desk in order to use the Library services. They must fill out an enrolment form and bring a passport-style photo or a copy colour of one. The card is valid for the expected length of the course. The first card issued is free of charge.
Operating hours:
- Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
School Holidays (Carnival, Easter, Summer and Christmas):
- Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
In August, the Library is closed for a certain period of time to be determined in each school year.
Responsible Librarian: Dra. Paula Saraiva
Telephone / Fax: (+351) 212 946 846