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Egas Moniz

Cooperativa de Ensino Superior

When deciding on a career, Egas Moniz – Cooperativa de Ensino Superior, CRL offers you a variety of Undergraduate (1st cycle), Integrated Masters (1st + 2nd cycles), Masters (2nd cycle) and other Postgraduate courses, in the Health and Forensic Sciences areas.

These are educational options that match stimulating and prestigious professions with good professional outputs and employability, combining technical quality with the human factors and interpersonal relationships.

The photos exhibited on our website are all from  Egas Moniz classes, laboratories, administrative  and social services, showing our students, teaching staff and employees - see credits and the collection of photos in the Image Gallery.



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"It was always very clear that I wanted to study dentistry. It is a career that has always caught my attention. I searched several options and one of them was a university in Portugal. (...) At first, sometimes, I thought, "But why should I be in another country, with another language? I've got myself into trouble!" Right now, honestly, I feel very fortunate to be here, and by so many reasons: It is a university with a prestigious MSc in Dentistry, students have many practical classes and well-trained teachers, there is a great atmosphere, people are nice, and there is a lot of friendship and a unique academic spirit."

Laura Carretero (Spanish Student)

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Dental Clinic

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